This page is a reference guide to all the completed visits. It is organized by region, then listed in alphabetical order by town. Click on a title to read a feature.

A note of explanation: in the early days of Maine Features, one place was chosen to be featured in each town. In 2022, a shift was made to create town highlights that included several points of local history. Little-by-little, the older features will be expanded.

Below the regional section, you will find links to the posts from the A to Z Challenge which were written in April 2020. There is one post for each letter of the alphabet. The theme was “This Maine Life.”

Aroostook County

Acadian Village in Van Buren

The Maine Highlands

Conant Orchards in Etna

Lincoln's Not Stinkin'

Newport: a Town around a Lake

Stetson: the Other Mount Katahdin


A Visit to Jonesport

The Big Chicken Barn in Ellsworth

Asticou Azalea Garden in Mount Desert

The Kennebec Valley

Lacy Acres in Farmingdale

Hallowell Street Museum

Johnson Hall in Gardiner

Ledgeway in Pittston

Going to School in Readfield

A Well-Preserved History in Vassalboro