My name is Elizabeth Wilson. I'm a 9th generation Mainer.
I love Maine. I launched Maine Features with the goal of visiting, photographing, and writing about EVERY town in the state. That’s nearly 500 locations. My list includes only municipalities so—no—I won’t be featuring all those unorganized territories!
Maine is huge so this journey will take years. The content for the town visits is completely original and gathered the old-fashioned Maine way with lots of hard work. I'm loving the process. It has been a privilege to meet so many Mainers along the way; they have been kind, generous, and helpful.
Does Maine have challenges? Yes. Are they the storyline here? No.
My primary focus is Maine’s local history, natural beauty, and everyday people. The content is written for Mainers, or those who wish they were from here.
The easiest way to stay updated on the latest visits and developments is to sign up for the newsletter in the blue box at the bottom of this page.
It’s a privilege to have you join me on this adventure. It is my hope that this site will help you to explore and enjoy Maine to a greater extent.
Head over to the index page to see which towns have been featured.