If you (or someone you know) had a family member that lived in Maine sometime before WW1 (1914) and told you stories of their everyday Maine life, I would LOVE if you would send me a handwritten* letter with at least one of those memories. I'm not looking for blockbuster stories, but just the way Mainers went about their ordinary days. Please include the Maine town and approximate year where and when the memory was created as regional and time period distinctions are important. (*only handwritten letters will be included in the project)
🏠 For the first round of letters (through May 2024), I'm interested in memories from the home setting as I'm researching Maine life in the 1800s up to the turn of the 20th century. You can find some ideas below, if you need to prime the memory pump. Feel free to jot a short note or to send multiple pages. Your memories will be used for the research process, and may be shared (first name and town) on the Maine Features website or social media accounts. Please indicate if you do not want the information used online, but know that many Mainers can benefit from reading your story.
📬 To participate, send your HANDWRITTEN letter to the following address: Maine Features, PO Box 256, Liberty, ME 04949
Don't worry if your handwriting resembles chicken scratch, and, YES, I'm old enough to read cursive! Use stationary, plain notebook paper, the back of a disposable placemat from a local restaurant, the back side of junk mail—anything boring or creative.
📣 You are not only welcome to tell others, but I would be so grateful if you would pass the word, especially to our oldest Mainers. They have an abundance of good stories to tell.
Thank you so very much! I'll be eagerly checking the mailbox.
~Elizabeth ❤️
💡Some ideas for the FEB/MAR focus: details about housecleaning, anything related to food (canning, cooking/baking, regular menu items, etc), heating the home, making things for the home (quilts, embroidery, rugs, etc), welcoming guests, weekly routines (tasks or events on certain days of the week), or anything else in this category!