Maine Features

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The Adventure Begins in Augusta

Where does one begin when they have a list of more than 480 places to visit?

That’s my goal: to see and write about one place in each Maine municipality. The Pine Tree State is big — as in 320 miles long and 210 miles wide. It is geographically diverse with mountains and coastlines, forests and fields, rivers and lakes. It is a beautiful region with a unique culture and history. And I want to see it all.

To make the decision easier, I chose to start in the capital, Augusta.

For this massive project I’m undertaking, my primary focus is the everyday and the lesser known. For that reason, I didn’t go to the capitol building or the state museum (though I have been so many times and highly recommend it). Instead I was pleasantly surprised to discover the Viles Arboretum, which includes more than 200 acres.

The visitor center was open when I arrived. As I walked in the door, this female moose was the first to catch my attention. The ones like her that have seen the taxidermist are less startling than those which try to cross the highway at night!

There were numerous other creatures on display (I ignored the stuffed snakes on the wall). The most unexpected item was an indoor beehive (enclosed, of course).

The executive director, Mark DesMeules, gave me an overview of the many services and features of the arboretum. They have been open since the early 1980s and have collected a myriad of trees, plants, and flowers. My visit took place during the time of year we like to call “mud season.” The snow is quickly melting and we are beginning to see hints of new growth. Viles Arboretum would be lovely to see once everything is in bloom.

All the same, I took a stroll on one of their trails to look at what is the largest permanent outdoor display of art in Maine. I’ve never before observed art and nature intertwined in this way. How appropriate for a state which so values both the beauty which exists in our outdoor surroundings, along with that which we create through handcrafts of many kinds.

Seriously, when is the last time YOU saw literal gold leaves on a nature walk?!

Spring is officially here and this snow won’t last much longer. Leaves and flowers will be popping up all over the place. I can’t wait!

Viles Arboretum was an interesting first stop on my adventure. What about you? Have you visited this fascinating spot?

I’m on a mission to visit every town in Maine. Check here to see if I’ve featured yours yet: All The Visits. To learn more about this adventure, see the about page.