Fouled Anchors Farm in Standish
The first week of my Maine project is completed. Those adventures included an arboretum, a sugar shack, and a greenhouse. Hundreds of more visits remain on my list, but I’m loving the journey.
The second week began in Standish where I spent time with Jason and Erin at their Fouled Anchors Farm. The name reflects the service both of them have given in the U.S. Coast Guard and refers to their insignia.
One common feature in every region of this state is that many Mainers enjoying “living off the land” as much as possible. This was seen to be the case with this family as I pulled up to their beautiful farm. They were boiling sap — from their own tree taps — on a wood stove that was set up in their yard. Fruit trees and blueberry bushes were close by. In every corner, were the main characters I came to observe: the chickens!
I haven’t been able to locate statistics, but raising chickens in Maine seems to be a rather popular activity. A recent Bangor Daily News covered the topic in this article with the lengthy-but-smirk-worthy title, “People were being teased for asking questions about chickens, so this Maine farmer created a safe space to chat.” It mentions a national resurgence in the number of homes where the feathered creatures can be found.
On the Fouled Anchors Farm about two dozen chickens of various breeds were roaming to their heart’s content. They have a well-protected coop and fenced-in area to guard them from predators (hawks and foxes), but on this sunny day they were enjoying the free range.
You should be warned: if you ever start using farm fresh eggs, you will be spoiled forever. The difference is unmistakable. They are beautiful — inside and out! I’m currently enjoying these which were sent home with me. What isn’t to love about these colors? Many thanks, Jason and Erin!
Did you know? The variety in colors comes from the breed of the chicken.
I’m on a mission to visit every town in Maine. Check here to see if I’ve featured yours yet: All The Visits. To learn more about this adventure, see the about page.